Regaine® for Women
Hair loss in women can be devastating for self-image and emotional well-being, however it is more common than you may think with 40% of women having visible hair loss by the time they are age 40.* Explore the causes and signs of hair loss, how to help treat genetic hair loss with Regaine® and our commonly asked questions to find a treatment that suits you.
Causes of hair loss
There are many different types and causes of hair loss in women and as a result you may experience gradual thinning of the hair or sudden hair loss. Commonly, most women will lose 30 to 150 strands of hair per day and this is completely normal.**
Hair loss in women can be caused by many factors, such as stress, diet, over-styling your hair (e.g. tight up-dos, extensions which can cause traction alopecia) and thyroid issues. Many women also experience hair loss during and shortly after pregnancy, as changing hormone levels can cause hair follicles to go into a resting phase. This type of hair loss is often short-term, and fullness should return after 6 to 12 months of giving birth.
However, female pattern baldness also known as androgenetic alopecia (AGA), a hereditary condition which causes hair loss, is the most common cause of hair loss in women. Although men tend to recede from the forehead and crown, women may notice the first stages of female pattern hair loss on the top of the scalp. Targeting these key areas with Regaine® for Women Solution or Regaine® for Women Foam can help prevent the effects of female pattern hair loss.

Symptoms of hair loss

More prominent parting
A prominent parting is one of the early signs of hair loss. If your parting has begun to widen, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to cover it the way you used to, you may be experiencing hereditary hair loss.

More hair on your pillow
We lose on average 30 to 150 hairs per day.** If you see more than your usual amount of hair, this could be a sign of hereditary hair loss.

More hair in your comb or brush
Having a few hairs in your comb or brush is normal. If you start to see more than usual this could be a sign of hereditary hair loss.

More hair in the shower drain
Having a large amount of hair in the drain after washing your hair is a sign that you are losing more hair than normal.